Dollar Tree Crafts

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Dollar Tree Crafts – Laminated Micro Traveler’s Notebook Tutorial. Cute and Functional!

Today I’m going to show you how to make this cute Micro Traveler’s Notebooks using the mini composition notebooks that you can get from Dollar Tree! These TN’s are great for gift-giving and the perfect addition to your craft fair arsenal! They’re perfect to carry around in your purse when you need something quick and convenient to jot notes down. They also make the perfect desk companions as you brain-dump, or just want to journal your day to day events.

Laminated Micro Traveler’s Notebook Supplies List

In this tutorial I have used the following. Just click on each link to be taking to the product directly. Easy peasy!

The Template

I highly recommend that you first make a template. This will make creating your micro traveler’s notebook a breeze.

  1. Trim a piece of card stock to 7 3/4 by 4 1/2
  2. Place your card stock horizontally on your scoring board and score at 3 1/2, 3 7/8, 4 1/4
  3. With the bone folder that is provided with your scoring board, fold at the scored lines
  4. Place your card stock flat on your desk in a (horizontal position), and place your ruler a quarter of an inch from the top and draw a line across your scored line. Then turn your card stock upside down and do the same for the bottom
  5. Where the straight line meets the scored marks, you’ll use your crop-a-dile to punch holes on top and bottom of your template. I use the 3/16 measurement.

Click here to view and download your template.

The Tutorial

I’ve put together an easy-to-follow quick tutorial that highlights how I put these beauties together. Follow along from start to finish and you’ll be making some of your very own in no time!


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